Solar Developments in the Eye Area
Suffolk County Council to Scrutinise Large-Scale Solar Farm Proposal Near Eye
Once again, Eye and the surrounding villages are facing the prospect of another major infrastructure project landing on our doorstep. Suffolk County Council is preparing to respond to EcoPower Suffolk’s plans for a huge solar farm and battery storage facility, covering around 1,500 acres and affecting communities in Eye, Yaxley, Brome, Gislingham, Mellis and Occold.
The development would link into the existing substation north of Yaxley and, due to its scale, will be classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), meaning the decision will ultimately be made by our bacon-sandwich-loving Secretary of State, rather than our county and district councillors.
I know many residents in Eye will share my frustration. Let me be clear, while I fully support the need for renewable energy, these projects cannot simply be imposed on our communities without proper consideration for their impact.
Councillor , Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Devolution, Local Government Reform and NSIPs, said:
“It does feel like a case of ‘here we go again’, but I am expecting regular, productive engagement with EcoPower Suffolk – not just with the council, but with local residents and parishes.
“I trust that their opening words on their website are sincere – they talk about collaboration, and a commitment to community engagement and understanding local challenges and aspirations.”
“Suffolk County Council has previously been clear in setting out its views that solar farms in Suffolk should not take our best quality farmland out of food production and that, broadly speaking, solar installations should be rooftop before rural.
“Moreover, the council has the highest possible expectations that any solar developer fully rules out any possible links to forced labour in China or elsewhere in the world.”
The consultations, starting in March 2025, will be a crucial opportunity for residents to make their voices heard, and I strongly encourage everyone in Eye and the surrounding villages to take part.
Ultimately, this decision rests with the government, and I fear we could see a repeat of the fiasco with the Sunnica project in West Suffolk, where local views were cast aside in favour of rushed decision-making.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when Green politicians are elected. It marks this land, our land, as open for business and occupation by harmful renewable projects. We cannot let that happen here. Make sure that your voice is heard as part of this process as it comes forward. I will keep you updated as I know more.